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Publication list


Total: 64 publications and conference proceedings.




1. V. Frankevich, M. Soni, M. Nappi, and G. Cooks "Non-destructive Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer and Method", US Patent# 5,625,186, 1997.


2. E. N. Nikolaev, A.V. Mordehai, and V. E. Frankevich "Using Ion Cyclotron Resonance Spectrometer for Surface Investigation", USSR   Patent N 4800821, 1990.


 Journal Publications:


35. M. Dashtiev, V. Frankevich, R. Zenobi. “Effect of Cu(II) on Signal Enhancement in MALDI”, Rapid. Commun. Mass Spectrom, 2004, submitted.


34. M. Dashtiev, V. Frankevich, R. Zenobi, “Study of Fluorescence energy transfer of Cavitands in the gas phase”, Chimia 2004,7-8, 451.


33. V. Frankevich, M. Dastiev, R. Zenobi, J. M. Oliva, “MALDI-Fourier Transform Mass Spectromic Studies of Donor-Acceptor and Donor-Bridge-Acceptor Fullerens molecules”, J. Phys. Chem  Chem Phys. 2004, submitted.


32. M. Kalberer, V. Frankevich, R. Zenobi, "Identification of Polimers as Major Components of Atmospheric Organic Aerosols", Science, 303 (5664): 1659-1662, 2004. 


31. V. Frankevich, X. Guan, M. Dashtiev, R. Zenobi, "Laser flurescence spectroscopy of trapped biomolecules", Europ. J. Mass Spectrom. 2004, submitted.


30. V. Frankevich, R. Zenobi, "Clusters as a precursors in UV MALDI", Chem. Phys. Reports, 2004, 23(11) 44-50.


29. V. Frankevich, M. Dashtiev, R. Zenobi, "High pressure internal MALDI source", Mass Spectrom. 2004, 1(1) 13-21.


28. A. Koubenakis, V. Frankevich, J. Zhang and R. Zenobi, "Time-resolved measurement of the Surface Temperature of MALDI matrices under UV Pulsed Laser Irradiation" J. Phys. Chem. 108 (13), 2405-2410, 2004.


27. R. Zenobi, V. Frankevich etc. "Discovery and sequencing of histidine and ornithine-rich polypeptide in the Helmutite phase of meteoritic carbonaceous matter" Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 228 (2003) xvii-xxiii.


26. V. Frankevich, J. Zhang, M. Dashtiev, R. Zenobi "Formation and fragmentation of multiply charged ions in "electron free"  MALDI", Rapid. Commun. Mass Spectrom. 17 (2003) 2343.


25. V. Frankevich, J. Zhang, S. D. Friess, M. Dashtiev and R. Zenobi, “The role of electrons in Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry”, Anal. Chem. 75 (22) (2003) 6063-6067.


24. V. Frankevich, J. Zhang, R. Zenobi, "Production and utilization of multiply charged ions in MALDI", Chimia, 7/8 (2003) 386.


23. X. Guan, V. Frankevich, R. Zenobi, "Combining Fluorescence Spectroscopy and FTICR MS to study the trapped and mass selected biomolecular ions in gas phase", Chimia 7/8 (2003) 386.


22. J. Zhang, V. Frankevich, R. Knochenmuss, S. D. Friess and R. Zenobi, “Reduction of Cu(II) in Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry", J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.,14 (1)  (2003),42-50.    


21. V. Frankevich, J. Zhang, and R. Zenobi, " Fluorescent measurements and spectroscopy of Mass-selected Trapped Molecular Ions", Chimia, 7-8 (2002) 333.


20. J. Zhang, V. Frankevich, R. Knochenmuss, M. Gorshkov, and R. Zenobi, "Reduction of Cu(II) Used for Cationization in MALDI MS", Chimia, 7-8 (2002) 339.


19. V. Frankevich,R. Knochenmuss, R. Zenobi, “The origin of electrons in MALDI and their use for sympathetic cooling of negative ions in FTICR”, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 220 (2002) 11.  


18. V. Frankevich, M. Gorshkov, and R. Zenobi, "Signal Enhancement for Negative Ions in MALDI-FTICR Experiments Due to Sympathetic Cooling"  ICR/IonTrap Newsletter,65 (2002) 9.


17. M. Gorshkov, V. Frankevich, and R. Zenobi, “Characteristics of photoelectrons in MALDI FTICR” Europ. J. Mass Spectrom.  8 (2002) 67.


16. V. Frankevich, R. Zenobi, “ Electron cooling of negative MALDI ions in a FTICR MS”, Chem. Phys. Rep.  21 (2002) 28.


15. V. Frankevich, J. Zhang  and R. Zenobi  “New Applications of Open Cell Design for Internal Source MALDI FTICR-MS”, Chimia,  55 (2001) 595.


14. V. Frankevich, R. Zenobi, “Deceleration of high-energy MALDI ions in an open cell for FTICR MS”, Rapid. Commun. Mass Spectrom. 15 (2001) 2035.


13. V. Frankevich, R. Zenobi, “Dynamic ion trapping in a cylindrical open cell for Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry”, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 207 (2001) 57.


12. V. Frankevich, R. Zenobi, “Flexible-open cell design for internal-source matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry”, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 15 (2001) 979.


11. V. Frankevich, R. Zenobi, “ New features of FTICR with open cell”, Chem. Phys. Rep. 20 (2001) 33.


10. M. V. Gorshkov, A. N. Vilkov, G. P. Ukhanov,  O. N. Kharybin, V. E.  Frankevich, E. N. Nikolaev, Electrospray Ion Trap/FTICR Mass Spectrometer for Biological Applications, Advances in Mass Spectrometry 15 (2001) 449-452.


9. V. E. Frankevich, O. N. Kharybin, L. A. Turina, G. B. Barkovsky, M. V. Gor